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Trillium, Trillium LbNA #22524

Plant date:Apr 27, 2006
Planted by:Fox-fyr Contact Inactive
Found by: Lauralee
Last found:May 12, 2015
Last edited:Dec 30, 2015
This letterbox is located in a city-owned neighborhood park in southern Columbia. With a playground, a short hike on an easy trail, and minor bushwhacking, this letterbox adventure is suitable for young children. A compass is required. I recommend you bring red and green ink.

As a child, I grew up with a 1/2 acre of woods near my house. Trilliums grew there. It was the first wildflower I ever learned to identify. Not only did I find their combination of three leaves, three sepals and three petals magical, I was told that if I picked one, it would not bloom again for seven years. Whether or not it’s simply folktale, to this day, I have never plucked a trillium blossom, and it remains my favorite wildflower.

Take interstate 70 to exit 126. Head south on Providence Road (aka Hwy 163) to Green Meadows. Right on Green Meadows to Lynnwood. Right on Lynnwood to RDNZRRG KLOOV SDUN. (You may wish to east three slices of Caesar’s pizza before setting out).

From RDNZRRG KLOOV SDUN sign, proceed west to barrier. Continue on gravel trail to playground. Slide down yellow tube slide, then turn left on narrow trail and go downhill. Pass one bench on left, then go 22 paces downhill to fork (a pace = two steps).

Go left. After 17 more paces pass tree-house on right (treehouse may be on private land). Go 13 more paces to another fork. The left fork goes uphill to a bench; the right fork goes downhill to a bridge.

Take the right fork and cross wooden bridge then head uphill 53 paces from far end of bridge till you face the back of another bench.

From center of bench go 130 degrees 19 paces to a large tree with a dead limb about 25 feet high and a hole in thetrunk about 30 feet high. The tree is surrounded by maple saplings.

Your prize flowers in the hollow base of this tree in a camouflaged box. Make sure you look DEEP within the tree. Please re-hide well and replace any rocks / leaves to prevent vandalism, animal mischief or forces of nature from removing or destroying the box.

Please use the “Contact the Placer” link on LBNA to let me know of your adventures and to let me know the condition of this letterbox.

If you would like a cipher-lesson plan that explains how to decode many of the ciphers used in mid-Missouri letterboxing, please e-mail me using the "Contact the Placer" link.