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Monster Tree with Irish Roots LbNA #22526

Plant date:May 1, 2006
Planted by:Fox-fyr Contact Inactive
Found by: I dig toasters
Last found:Oct 9, 2012
Last edited:Mar 8, 2016
Update: Attempted March 4, 2016
Update: May 31, 2011: the Monster Trees mentioned in the clue below have mostly fallen
Update: 11/7/2013: the first box confirmed in place.
Update: 8/13/09: The second box in this series has been reported missing by several people.

This letterbox is located in a city-owned neighborhood park in southwestern Columbia. A playground, a short hike (half on-trail and half off-trail) and easy clues make this letterbox suitable for young children. A compass is required.

These letterboxes were inspired by the large trees in the park; the stamps were inspired by the name of the park.

DIRECTIONS: From Interstate 70, exit 124, take Stadium Blvd (aka Hwy 740) south to Broadway. Turn right and head west to Fairview. Turn left and head south to the first street past Fairview Elementary School (Bray avenue). Turn right and head west to a street that shares the same name as a major city in Ireland. Turn left until you dead end at the park that shares the same name as the street.

Take paved path to playground and shelter. After 21 paces (one pace = two steps) notice a narrow trail running left to the First Monster Tree (it has since fallen). Take a few minutes to explore this giant which may be the biggest and oldest tree in the park, then continue on gravel path which soon turns east.

Pass several orange survey markers until you reach the Big Belly Monster Tree. Stand inside the belly of this beast, look out from its belly button hole and say “Peek-a Boo.” Good Kodak moment. Alas, this Monster Tree has also now fallen.

Continue on gravel path, passing "Lincoln, Nebraska" on left. Trail curves left (NE), then soon ends overlooking creek.

A narrow path bearing 20 degrees is on your right. Travel 17 paces along it, curving left, until you reach a drainage that runs into main creek. A sycamore tree stands on creek bank. Stand on NW side of sycamore facing upstream. Go 290 degrees (crossing creek) to an orange survey marker then 2 paces more to “Neenah” and steel diamonds.

Go 260 degrees 13 paces to another sycamore whose roots hang onto creek bank (more often a drainage). Climb up onto bank so sycamore is on your left. Go 280 degrees west 11 paces to snag with 3.5 foot high window. Peer inside window ledge and remove several guardian stones that jealously guard a camouflaged letterbox. Inspect box carefully to reveal all of its secrets. Be sure to replace stone guardians when finished to prevent animals from chewing or dragging away box. Please also make sure no part of the box is visible to reduce chance of damage by vandals or forces of nature. be sure to check th back of the logbook.

Please use the "Contact the Placer" link to let me know of your letterboxing adventures and to tell me of the box's condition.