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Trash to Treasure LbNA #22624

Plant date:May 21, 2006
Planted by:Wee Walkers Contact Inactive
Found by: cattails.clg
Last found:Sep 12, 2010
Last edited:May 21, 2006

****UPDATED AUG 15, 2006****

West Creek Reservation Letterbox

Time: Under 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy

From 77 exit at Rockside road and go West. Turn Left/South onto Broadview road and head south to West Ridgewood Drive. St. Sava church is on the corner Turn right/West onto West Ridgewood. About ½ mile down is West Creek Reservation.

This park is located about 3 miles East of Parmatown Mall. Parmatown fronts West Ridgewood drive head East away from the mall cross Ridge Road, At State Road be in the center turn lane and make a fast right after you turn. (The road jogs over a bit at this intersection). The park is less than a mile East of State road on West Ridgewood.

This is my first letterbox place I hope all goes well:
West Creek is the newest Cleveland Metropark. Located in Parma, this 400+ acre park was once home to the municipal dump. If you walk along the riverbank you can still see the remnants of bottles, china and other household items. Another rather unique feature of this park are the television antennae towers which soar above the oaks and maples. Once beyond these non-traditional sites a peaceful forest and winding creek are ready to explore...

Once parked and headed for the trail be sure to look at the sign for the improvements planned for the park. Off to the right you can loop around the pond and rejoin the trail up ahead. If you choose to walk around the pond keep your eyes opened for turtles, frogs and a blue heron. As you rejoin the path climb up the hill and continue along. If you are walking at dusk look off to the left a herd of deer is often in the distance munching away.
Cross the high bridge and head toward the tower. The trail heads to the left or straight at this point, continue on straight into the trees. Meander along the trail, when you see a garbage can head to the right.

*****Up the hill you go pass the rusted out cars and the tree marked with an “X” but X does not mark the spot for the LB.***** The cars and go figure the tree with the "X" hve been removed. follow along witht he reamining clues. Up ahead the path splits at the Beech tree carved “Pat + Georgia” stop for a moment at this spot and look down the ravine, notice the tree with the smiley face that says “SHOT”? Maybe Pat took Georgia out!

Continue up the hill be on the lookout for a metal drainage pipe that crosses under the path. From this pipe walk 42 footfalls to 1/1/65. Look forward, look right, look left and there you will see the tree with both a front and back door. The letterbox is hidden in the back door under some bark.