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The Bunny Boat LbNA #23123 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 17, 2006
City:Great Falls
Planted by:BullDawg
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Mar 17, 2006
**boxes reported missing 2 times in November...need to check on status***

This box was concieved, created, carved, and planted by my 5 year old daughter ("Virginia Princess")....

This bunny, hangs at the home of the EVIL women characters....but starts at the other path. Go down the wide trail that is perpendicular to the road, with houses on your right. You will see a tennis court soon down the trail on your right. Keep going to the wide intersection that has a small sign in it. Head left. Go up and down hills. till you get to an intersection where a trail goes off to the right, as the trail you are on is starting to bend to the left. look to your left and right on the trail edge you will see a tall stump.....inside at the base is the Bunny's a microbox, and even the container was her idea.....

enjoy...she did!