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Mill Mountain Star LbNA #25425

Plant date:Sep 9, 2006
Planted by:rampli Contact Inactive
Found by: K&K
Last found:Oct 13, 2013
Last edited:Sep 9, 2006
The Mill Mountain Park can be reached from Downtown Roanoke via Walnut Ave and from the Blue Ridge Parkway at MP 120. When you arrive go to the first parking area. Walk towards the Discovery Center and then the Zoo. As you approach the Zoo walkway sign bear to the right and continue until the asphalt path makes a sharp right turn. You are now at the crest of Prospect Rd. At one time this was a toll road that allowed access to the park. Now it is closed to motor vehicle traffic and is part of a greenway system that connects the park to downtown. Go down the road 250 feet and stop on the manhole cover. Now look over your right shoulder for the tree with a hollow opening at the base. The letterbox is deep, really deep, inside the tree.

There is a kiosk in the parking lot which has maps of the greenway and other trails on the mountain. Be sure to checkout the view from BOTH overlooks.