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Wild Mushroom Series: #6 Morel Mushrooms LbNA #26028

Plant date:Oct 2, 2006
Planted by:ahistory Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Oct 2, 2006
Wild Mushroom Series: #6 Morel Mushrooms

This is part of a series of letterboxes dedicated to hunting wild edible mushrooms in Missouri and the Midwest.

The final box in the series highlights most treasured of all mushrooms, the morel (Morchella esculenta). It can only be found in the first month of spring and is the most sought out by hunters and novices alike. With its sponge like appearance, there are practically no look-a-likes. False morels (“Reds” or “Beefsteak” as they are called locally) are poisonous. But they are usually a reddish color and do not have a hollow stem. Remember as always when hunting mushrooms, the number one rule of thumb is “when in doubt throw it out.” Morels are so tasty they make practically any dish gourmet. The most common way is plainly battered and fried in butter, but I have grilled large ones to make incredible morel sandwiches and they make really rich flavorful sauces.

As when hunting mushrooms, you must leave the beaten path and bushwhack for most of this hunt. Please tread lightly as you move through the forest and always be looking to the forest floor for other types of mushrooms and wild flowers.

The clue for this hunt is different than clues for the previous boxes of this series. Instead of specific directions you must truly experience what it is like to have to hunt out morels. So only an area is given and it is up to you to sniff out where the morel. When you have found the previous five in this series, contact me and I will send you the clue to number six. For those from out of town who intend to complete this series in a weekend contact me ahead of time and I can provide you with the clue. Note: this series unlike many are really spread out across Mid-MO and are not designed to complete in one day unless you are an insane letterboxer (though I have known a few who might make this attempt).

Bring your own ink: Yellow and Black recommended.

Once you have found the other five LB's in this series, please contact the placer through LBNA or at for the clue to the final morel. But be warned, the way is very rough and the hunt is not easy. However, to encourage finders there are a few nice FF bonuses.