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G.L.U.E. LbNA #29244 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Mar 16, 2007
City:8600 Somerset, Buena Park
Found by: gerwaiian oma
Last found:Jan 1, 2009
Last edited:Mar 16, 2007
*****Hi! We are Troop 1643 from Buena Park, CA, USA. This is our first letterbox, and hopefully there will be more to come! Our letterbox is called "G.L.U.E. (Girls Like Us Everywhere (we stick together!). The stamp in this box represents the Girl Scout symbol! We hope you have fun in Buena Park, CA!*****

Go to 8600 Somerset, Buena Park, CA (don't worry: the box is off campus and easy to get too!). Follow this poem to the box:

"Find the star that shines so bright (faces Somerset)
That's in the pitch black darkness of the night.

Go to the sign that makes you think of Limeade (a street sign)
Then follow the path of trees that have lots of shade (trees will be on your right).

Follow the path (sidewalk) to the stump of the tree (on your right on the hill)
"Stop" at the sign next to the tree shaped like a "V".

Go up to the hill to the school wire fence
Then in the end it'll all make sense! (look in the start of the bushes closest to the fence)
