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Big Dog Series LbNA #31327

Owner:Lee & Nancy Contact
Plant date:May 27, 2007
City:Los Angeles
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Creeping Death (10)
Last found:Jul 4, 2015
Last edited:May 27, 2007
12/11/2010 - Verified Savannah (updated clues) and Replace Duffy (smaller image - updated clues).
03/01/2011 - Box 1 confirmed missing hope to replace Apr or May 2011.

06/14/2009 - Replaced Box 2 in new location and added boxes 9 & 10 - Finders reported that it takes a good 3 hours to hike and get these boxes, after parking and walking into the park. Note - Box 9 listed before Box 8, because they would normally be found in that order.

This series is named more for the size of the stamps, which are just slightly larger than our usual, rather than the size of the breed they represent. Special thanks to Donna E. Merrill whose artistry we attempted to capture. This series is located in Runyon Canyon Park, where 90 of its 130 acres are dedicated as an off-leash dog park. This is a moderate to strenuous hike that may take half a day. Click on link above for location and trail map. NOTE: Parking is very limited, and I am told, strictly enforced.

#1 GIO
Enter the south end of the park, at Fuller St. Walk up the paved path past the grass area on your left and the cactus and ruins up through the gated (begin off leash area) fence and picnic tables. Proceed up the wide dirt trail and go left on Lower Canyon Trail where the main trail makes a sharp right turn. Take the small trail left as you pass the next set of ruins. The box is located between the first and second U shaped concrete ruins (the first in leaning on the second) secured by smaller rocks. If you go to the rock tower with the four channels you have gone too far.

#2 RONDO (replaced - new location 6/14/09)
Return to and continue up Lower Canyon Trail keeping right along some stumps to a clearing with large rocks in it. At the start of the clearing is a long fallen tree (log). The box is on the back side of the northeast end of the log under rocks and plant debris.

#3 NAILA (trail was somewhat overgrown 6/14/09)
Continue up Lower Canyon Trail past the large old foundation and go left at the fork (right fork goes straight up). When you get to the large boulder in the pathway, stop. There is a rock face to your left, the box is in a crevice on the left side of the small cove covered by a rock and hanging bush branches about 4 feet up. You may see a couple of small flat whitish rocks at the base of the crevice that do not appear to belong.

Return back down Lower Canyon Trail to the main trail and up the sharp right turn, which is now on your left and continue uphill past the old tennis courts to Inspiration Point. Enjoy the view and take a rest before heading up the “steps” hill behind you. When the fence near the top turns right follow it to the third old post with a ball on top. The box is just to the left behind the wood protected by rocks at the base of the pole.

#5 LOU
Continue up the “steps” to another well-deserved break at “Clouds Rest”. Continue on the now slightly downhill trail and take the small trail that splits off to the right. After the narrow rocky section, take the small switchback on the right 10 feet to the bush with rocks at its base covering the box. (update Aug 08 - area is over grown, the switchback is close to the edge of the hill).

#6 DUFFY (Replaced 12/11/2010)
Continue on the main trail and go right out of the gated area. Go past the trail that heads up to the power tower and along residences and out the gate at Mulholland Drive. Go left approximately 30 feet and re-enter the other gate taking the path uphill. After passing a section of railroad ties used to prevent erosion you will come to a fork in the path. Go left (or right for yet another view point at the top of Indian Rock but then return to the fork) downhill following the trail as it turns right at the power tower. Another 50 steps along the trail it merges with another trail at a sign about “Trail ends at private property”. Continue straight (do not turn left) and at the lookout before the second tower. The box is 24 steps to the left of the trail covered in a rock pile next to a bush down a small 3 foot slope.

Continue past second and third towers to the rock cut hill and take the small trail that goes around it to the left. At the end of this trail begin to climb up the rock path to your right. The box is located 10 to 15 steps up this path at the base of a large bush to your left covered with rocks. Beware of eyes from above.

#9 SAVANNAH (Verified and update clue 12/11/2010)
Continue up the path across the flat area and to the left up the steep trail to the “high point”. Then proceed down the steep, steep trail turning left through the fenced opening and down to where the trail meets another fence on the right under the shade of a eucalyptus tree. Cool down and look at the fools climbing the “steps” off to the left. Lots of people rest here so be discreet. Head down the small trail to your left (northeast) from the tree 25 steps, fork right 13 more steps. The camoflauged box is 2 feet right of path under rock and plant debris beside a small bush.

#8 THUNDER and Friend
Continue down the steep trail to the next flat view point with the stone column/pillar. Take the main trail to the left as the trail goes through eucalyptus trees on the left and oleander bushes to your right, you come to a tiny lookout supported by railroad ties. The box is in the center of the oleander bush 10 feet to the right (of the lookout) covered by plant debris.

#10 ABBY (Added 6/14/09)
Continue down the trail, and turn right (downhill) when it merges with a main road just ahead near the off-leash area gate. When you get to the drinking station, turn down the trail to the left along the fence. at the 13th fence post from the bottom stop and look on the other side of the fence you should see an old knarled stump partially hidden by the drop off about 35 feet away. You can also approach from the bottom, 15 feet beyond the top of the old rock steps at the back of the grass (no dog) area. The box is on the south side of the stump under rocks.

An ALTERNATIVE ROUTE would be to get Boxes 1 thru 4, and Box 8 thru 10 from the bottom of the park. To get to box 10 from bottom of park, as you pass the grassy area on the left, past the ruins surrounded by cactus, also on the left, then turn left, and follow the dirt trail up the hill and count fence posts. THEN drive up to Mulholland Drive and get Boxes 5 thru 7 from the top of the park.