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Master of Change LbNA #31862

Plant date:Jun 12, 2007
Planted by:Wildhair Contact Inactive
Found by: The Clue Finders1
Last found:Feb 13, 2010
Last edited:Jun 12, 2007
Placed in celebration of life changes and life changing moments!
Parking fee.
(note: the stamp in this box is two sided. Be prepared for inkiness. A multi-colored stamp pad or markers and black would be good to bring along)

The Master of Change is able to blend into its surroundings naturally. In order to make changes we need to become acquainted with our surroundings, maybe learn the language or become educated. A cougar is very stealthy and hides well in the environment. You might hike right past one and not know its there. His home is a good place to learn something new, but let’s just drive right past the cougar, wave and head to the parking area the color of sky. (Permit cost $2.) On foot, walk south on the lower path. Left over the road on the center path, past the pond to the left, lovely buildings on left. View Mt. St. Helens. Visit the Pillars of Fulfillment, now you know you are on the right course! Stay right on the path. Head to the Wailing Bell and do not cross the bridge, because as is easily read
OF US, . . . “

Turn around return from whence you came, at the bark chip path on the right head 20° to #7. Next traipse due north across the field. You will find a fence post that has undergone a change. Look at it’s base. Rehide well.

Best wishes.