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The Holden Arboretum LbNA #32088

Owner:Gradys Glorify God Contact
Plant date:Jun 20, 2007
Found by: Jessee
Last found:Jun 16, 2013
Last edited:Jun 20, 2007
I checked on this box in June 2008 and it is alive and well. I hope you enjoy the Arboretum as much as we do.

This letterbox is hidden at The Holden Arboretum. The website for the arboretum is:

There is no ink with this box, so you will need to bring your own. I would recommend a navy blue.

The trail is rather easy. We pushed strollers with little difficulty up to where we hid the letterbox. If you continue on the trail it gets more difficult for strollers.

The Holden Arboretum has 3500 acres with many walking trails that are just beautful. It is well worth the entrance fee and if you live in the area you might want to consider an annual pass.

To get to the arboretum take exit 195 off I-90, this is one of the Mentor exits. This road is State 615. Take it south to Chillicothe. Turn left onto Chillicothe and then the next right onto Baldwin. From here there will be signs to follow to The Holden Arboretum. Take a right onto Booth and then a left onto Sperry. The entrance to the arboretum is off of Sperry.

Pay the entrance fee and then park in the lot. Visit the visitor center to get a trail map. Out of the visitor center you will turn right and follow the trail straight and then to the left to the trailhead sign.

Follow the Blueberry Pond Trail. You will pass Forked Aster and Royal Catchfly on your right.

At the fork follow the Highlights trail to the left. Along your walk feel free to drop off any recycling you have in the bin on your left. Continue on until you come to a 3 way fork. Take the path straight across. This is the Highlights trail extension and the way to Discovery Tower. If you have kids with you stop off and check out the Tower that overlooks the pond. Continue past the bird buffet on your right until you reach a T intersection. Turn left toward the boardwak.

At the next fork stay to the right and follow for the Daus Memorial Overlook and the Offutt Memorial Boardwalk sign. Turn left onto the Old Valley Trail. From here is is .75 miles back to the Visitor Center. This is where the trail gets rather bumpy with lots of tree roots covering it. Start up this trail and stop at the next trail marker. From here walk 42 paces down the trail. On your right you will see an old rotted out fallen tree about 11 paces in. The box is behind this tree.

Please be discreet and make sure no one sees you getting the box or putting it back. You can follow the trail around or return the way you came.

If the box should need some help please email us and let us know. Happy Hunting!

Gradys Glorify God