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Rivercity: Fort Edmonton LbNA #32469 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Lilac Contact
Plant date:Jul 1, 2007
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: Titania
Last found:Jul 23, 2011
Last edited:Jul 1, 2007

Go into the past - visit Fort Edmonton Park. When you are inside, at the entrance to Old Fort, go down a path to the picnic and York Boat site. There is a metal gate, through which you can see the river. Remember that place. The letterbox is over there.

To find the letterbox head out of Fort Edmonton Park. After the exit turn left and go by the secondary road along the park's fence to the biking and walking trail. Turn left on it.
The trail will take you along the river. It's a pleasant walk: there are old big trees along the path, nice views of the river on your right with high banks on the other side and an occasional boat or canoe passing by.

Here are some landmarks to guide your walk:

1. A bench dedicated to physical therapist Sally Anne Purdon.
2. Two old trees standing guard on both sides of the path.
3. A plain bench and right after it a 'fork' in the trail (that's not an actual 'fork').
4. A red-orange slab of concrete on the path.
5. Another plain bench.
6. Fort Edmonton Park fence comes down to your trail from the left.

Keep going, along the fence. Soon you will come to the place you saw from the picnic and York Boat site. Look at the last tall tree on your right before the sloping path down to the river. Go up to the tree. Behind it, on the left, there is a log. Under it, covered by a large branch – the letterbox!
Please re-hide it well.