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Wings Along the Chagrin LbNA #33002

Plant date:Jul 14, 2007
Planted by:RightOn Trail Hikers Contact Inactive
Found by: SuperSee-ers
Last found:Aug 20, 2015
Last edited:Jul 14, 2007
This letterbox is hidden in Chagrin River Park. The park is located off State Route 2 on the east side of Cleveland. Get off at the Lost Nation exit, heading north, which is a right-hand turn whether you are coming from the east or the west. Turn left at the first intersection onto Reeves Road. You will find the entrance to the park on the left hand side of Reeves Road. You will go down a steep hill and past a small parking lot on the left. Continue into the main parking lot and park.

"The National Audubon Society and the Lake Metroparks have denoted the 237-acre park as an 'Important Bird Area.' Such a designation means birds frequent the location as a breeding site or during migration. A series of surveys by the group has counted 137 different bird species at the park. Among the bird species seen here have been the rare and federally endangered Kirtland warbler, along with such more comon species as Canada geese, mallards, wild turkeys, ring-necked pheasants, herons, hawks, sora rails, bald eagles and others." (The News-Herald, 22 June 2007)

To begin your search, cross the road and begin hiking on the trail to the left of the restrooms. Follow this trail for a short distance until you come to an intersection. Turn right and follow this gravel trail (the river will be on your left).

Soon you will reach a firepit. Just past the firepit, climb the stairs to your right. (If the steps pose a physical challenge, continue strait on the level path until you reach the bottom of the next set of steps). Stop at the top of the hill and enjoy the view of the Chagrin River. Continue on the path past the park benches and descend the steps on the other side of the hill. At the bottom of these steps, turn right and follow the path.

Shortly, you will come to an intersection with a trail marker on the left-hand side. Continue straight through this intersection. The next intersection you come to will be near a set of restrooms. Turn right at the trail marker, keeping the Rural Picnic Shelter on your left.

When you reach the y-shaped intersection, turn right and note the "White-Tailed Deer Exclosure Project" area on the right. Soon, you will note a "Habitat Management Area" sign on your right. Take 17 paces (1 pace = 2 steps) and you will end up between a large 6-trunked tree on your left and a large 5-trunked tree on your right. Face the tree on your right and you will see another large tree beyond it. Nestled in the crook of this tree is the Wings Along the Chagrin Letterbox. As this is near to the trail, use discretion when stamping. Be sure to rehide the box well.

To return to the parking lot where you began, continue on the trail in the same direction you were heading. At the end of this path, you will see the picnic shelter just ahead of you through the trees. Just past this shelter and playground is the main parking lot where you started.