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Antoine de Saint-Exupery LbNA #3448

Owner:BlackA Contact
Plant date:Aug 22, 1998
Location: 392 Montague Road
Found by: Shnookery
Last found:Aug 31, 2024
Last edited:Dec 13, 2015
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
ESTABLISHED: August 22, 1998
CLUE REVISED: August/2001 and July 15, 2011.
TERRAIN: Moderate

Dedicated to French aviator and author Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The stamp may bring a smile to anyone who has read The Little Prince. If the image puzzles you, read the book!

NOTE: Antoine de Saint-Exupery is the second box of three planted on this trail. The other two boxs are El Corazon and Letterbox Vincent. All three boxes were carved and originally planted by Bonita, one of the pioneers of Massachusetts letterboxing. This stamp was last found in 2006. It is presumed Antoine de Saint-Exuprey was lost in an F2 tornado in 2006. The Lazy Letterboxer recarved this stamp in 2011 and Black A replanted the box to celebrate, "10 Years of Boxing Fun".

CLUE: After you've found the El Corazon box, continue on the M&M Trail. Follow the white blazes with the stream on your left. The trail will veer to the right. Walk up some stone steps followed by a short but steep climb. At the top of the climb, notice a well pecked tree on you left. Turn around. With your right side next to the tree, take 6 steps back down the trail. What you seek is on your right behind the rock. Isn't the Hidden Valley Memorial Forest lovely?

Please rehide this particular box well and make sure it is not visible from either direction on the trail before you leave.

At this point, you can can back track to your vehicle or continue on for the third box in this series: Letterbox Vincent. (Personally, I would take the second option).