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Search for Rexlettob Box #1 LbNA #35955

Owner:Half Empty Contact Inactive
Plant date:Oct 13, 2007
Found by: JJLN
Last found:Jul 13, 2019
Last edited:Feb 13, 2018
Click the link to begin the Search!

Box was moved, new logbook added, and clues updated June 2014. Special thanks to Shooting Starz, Wisconsin Hiker, and Martini Man for upkeep.

Note: Though the clue leading you to the second box is located in the first box, the current URL you'll find there is unfortunately outdated and incorrect. The URL you will need to find the second box is here.

If you feel like you are missing clues or if something has been removed from a box making it impossible to continue, please message me here or on AQ.