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Stone Corral LbNA #38408

Plant date:Mar 21, 2008
Planted by:TheHamFam Contact Inactive
Found by: Kelsung
Last found:Jan 6, 2021
Last edited:Oct 28, 2015
This is a place that used to be home to a pretty pair of white horses, not to mention many childhood fantasies. The horses haven't been there for more than 20 years, but the site still brings a smile to my face every time I pass it on I-40.

From I-40, take the Beale St. exit in Kingman. Turn east onto Beale St. Take a left turn at Carl's Jr. onto Metcalfe Rd. for 0.3 miles. The road will take a 90 degree right-hand turn, becoming Lead St. Follow Lead St. for a short distance, and turn left onto Longview. Go for 0.5 miles on Longview, passing under the interstate. There will be a black mailbox on the left with the address 2176. Park in the turnout on the left side of the road.

Facing approximately west, you will see a path carved by off-road vehicles, across the wash. Follow the winding path, passing a white post on your left and a large patch of many varieties of cactus. When you come to the downslope, you will see an old stone corral. As you approach the corral, follow its border to the right. Trace the rusty steel pipe to its end. The letterbox is hidden under several good sized rocks. As this is the desert, be very aware. A lot of our critters here like to hide in shady places, especially during the warmer months - and we have a lot of warmer months here!

Feel free to follow the path - there are many spectacular views in this little canyon!