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Counting the Cars LbNA #40351 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:The Pakrat Contact
Plant date:May 29, 2008
State:New Jersey
Found by: ???
Last found:May 9, 2012
Last edited:Mar 1, 2022
Finally checked up on it, but it was gone without a trace. I'll probably replant sometime.
Long brambles have grown in the area, take care crossing the ditch.
11/4/2011 The box has been re-planted.
Clara Barton
Grover Cleveland
James Fenimore Cooper
Thomas Edison
Alexander Hamilton
Joyce Kilmer
Vince Lombardi
Molly Pitcher
Richard Stockton
Walt Whitman
Woodrow Wilson

Find the name that is missing from this list of famous New Jersey residents. When you find the place, park in the ninth space from the lightpost in the extreme eastern corner of the parking lot. Standing on the driver’s side of your car, look straight ahead to see two medium sized trees just past a ditch. The box hides at the base of the larger of the two trees, covered by sticks and forest debris. Please rehide well.

 Bring your own ink, kelly green is suggested.
 Please take care retrieving and replacing; this is a high-traffic area.
 Take care traversing the ditch, as it may fill up with water and get muddy after it rains.