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Shakespeare Series LbNA #406 (ARCHIVED)

Owner:Doublesaj & Old Blue Contact
Plant date:Jun 6, 2002
Found by: ScreechOwl
Last found:Jan 28, 2013
Last edited:Jun 6, 2002
Shakespeare Letterbox Series
Ashland, Oregon
Placed June 29, 2002 3:10 pm

Alas, this box is gone. We checked in July 2013 and couldn't find either one. . . :-(


“All the world’s a stage and men are but players”
As You Like It

Surround yourself by STAGES in that place where, indoors and out, actors give us course.
To the BOX go, and travel up hill to a “DEAD” friend. This friend was the “END”.
Do not turn’round but to where NORTH MEETS WEST to the top of stony stairs.
Allen: Alas, I knew him well. His end came in 1951 with the first play. (Place the play’s NUMBER in thine head to be recalled when matters make it so)
Down, down, 1 flight, 2 flights, three, SSW down PAVED and SHADED path where “animals nor spirits dare not sleep or ride”.

“I’ll be a park and ye shall be my deer”
Venus and Adonis
To the edge of a field of sweet grass in sight of a place where fairies and elves frolic by night and knaves by day, you’ll seek out OLIVE. She is 14, TALL, SLENDER AND RUSSIAN.

“How now, Spirit? Wither wander you?
Over hill, over dale, through brush, through briar, over park, over pale, through flood, through fire, I do wander everywhere. Swifter than the moon’s sphere and I serve the fairy queen.”
“Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Act II, Scene I
A bridge with 4 spheres do CROSS and the carriage path as well.
From here-- “A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet”
Romeo and Juliet

Find said roses near 100 they be ’cept are shy by those “Men from Verona”.
Carry on the RIGHT PATH, 150 manly footfalls go and bear RIGHT up the fountain path.

Whence there, count the orbs of light and count them yet again. ADD THIS to the play
remembered, LESS 1, and this, it be thy new target plan.
Continue past the SPITTING DUCK and past the “NUT”, wave to “HOLLY” of England and stand before the PURPLE PLUM
Where surest EAST thy will now turn and DOWN THOUST GO ‘til the stage is on thy left. It becomes all about “YEW” if thy number be correct!

“Here lies the east: doth not the day break here?”
Julius Ceasar
Act II Scene I
To STARBORD turn and take a drink for if you thirst now be your chance, near stones, eight sided pile.
Place Chester Corey on your LEFT and advance on they path

“. . .under the shade of melancholy boughs. . .”
As You Like It”
Act II, Scene II
(If you have no weapon with which to slay any miscreant you might perchance,
30 will help protect you.)
Now, a footbridge hence to 7 BIRCHES stand near place with wooden bench.
Turn the RIGHT WAY, and travel past where two or four make games and matches.

“But clay and clay differs dignity whose dust is both alike”
Act IV scene 2
Change straight from HARD PATH TO SOFT and here, be “privvy” to a place for lord or lady to drink and rest.
Spy a LAMPOST past a GRANITE MASS where men of war are honored
Follow path through o’er hanging flora where babbling on your port side is music to behold.
“Stick to your journal course: the breach of custom is breach of all”
Act IV Scene II
And yet another crossing to be made:
“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? ‘Tis the EAST and Juliet is the sun”
Romeo and Juliet Act III, Scene V
Stoney piles lie to you right but they are CONTRARY to the direction you must go for a score of paces yet or more.
A FINAL CROSSING where scarcely two can walk abreast, long and narrow ye shall trod and at the DISTANT end, REVERSE to the RIGHT where trolls are said to dwell. One step down you'll turn 'round to find, deeply bedded, the bracing stones that tirelessly hold aloft the planks above (and also hide your prize.)
Be of care to fingers and toes if need requires the moving of stones to carefully rehide the bounty for the next who seeks the treasure.


"A drum, a drum, Macbeth doth come"
Macbeth Act I Scene III line 31-Witch
Thoust are not to believe this witch. Thou must go to he. Go now! Down ye path to the north. You'll take the high road and I'll take the low road and you'll be in Scotland afore me. Caution: Witches hath poisined the oaks! Along this secret but well-worn path where witches, fairies and trites spy on souls below, pass 2 benches. Up stairs made of morter and sand to the landing, once, twice, thrice. Wayward Macbeth hath gone to the other side. Over the rail with you, 9 paces to a tall stump. At it's base under bark aplenty, lies Macbeth.

To the main path below and continue north to return you to the start of this fine journey.
***Placing here this box at the time when Moon meets Pisces guarantees this hiding place most excellent. Travels for this treasure will cost but 45-60 minutes of your time. Well spent, indeed!