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Enchantment from Texas LbNA #41848

Plant date:Jul 4, 2008
Planted by:Oliver & Company Contact Inactive
Found by: Knotty Lady
Last found:Jul 25, 2009
Last edited:Jul 4, 2008
Located 8 miles SE of Muscle Shoals and 4 miles south of Leighton, AL off HWY 157.
Take LaGrange College Road up LaGrange mountain - also known as "Little Mountain".
Follow the road to where the pavement ends. Continue along the dirt/gravel road.
LaGrange Cemetery is at the end of this road. It is also on the Alabama Historical Registrer of Landmarks.
Park anywhere in the circle drive.
Facing the LaGrange Cemetery sign, look to your left for the entrance. Go through the entrance and continue to the back of the cemetery. At the final resting place of Abraham Ricks is a very large crafted monument by an Italian sculptor which towers over the cemetery like a guardian. The cost of the monument in 1852 was a staggering $5000.

The monument is surrounded by a stone wall. Facing the front of the monument there are steps. Fell free to venture in if your Spirits allow.
At the bottom of the step of the stone wall look to your right at the fallen wall. The first stone laying vertical is where you will find "Enchantment from Texas" wedged.
With a stick carefully look behind this stone under leaves and debris.
Have a seat on the steps to exchange information.

Please be careful not to be discovered and also be respectful to those around.
Once complete - be sure to cover back up as to not disclose the hidden location.