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Sweet Treat LbNA #46019

Plant date:Mar 18, 2009
Planted by:Pitties Contact Inactive
Found by: JoySong
Last found:Apr 12, 2022
Last edited:Mar 18, 2009
Yummm! It is that time of year - our favorite spot is once again open. From I-80, head south until you find the place that claims, "We treat you right". It is south of the tracks, but before "the Hut". Turn left into the lot and on your left you will see a tall sign. The sign is probably wishing someone a Happy Birthday or something like that.

Caution: This box is very challenging - EXTREME STEALTH and perhaps some creative thinking required in order to retrieve it. This is the busiest spot in town - people everywhere enjoying their snack, people driving by, etc.... If you accept the challenge and agree to be very, very careful, proceed to the sign and check under the base of the sign on the east side for a magnetic key box. This box can also be easily found in the evening as well.