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Johnny Depp Series LbNA #51328

Owner:Kelsung Contact
Plant date:Nov 7, 2009
Location: Griffith Park
City:Los Angeles
County:Los Angeles
Found by: JoySong (2)
Last found:Apr 5, 2012
Last edited:Jun 14, 2021
Planted for Griffith Park: The Sequel

I discovered this pleasant walk when finding a couple boxes planted for the Old Zoo Gathering, but they had since went missing and were retired. So, this was the first place I thought of when I was given some boxes to plant for this gathering, and I've since gotten many compliments on this location. I think it will be the nicest surprise you will discover in Griffith Park. Sadly, over a couple of years some of these boxes have gone missing, but I will maintain the others as long as they last. If I ever need to retire the entire series, I will probably then plant a new box here to keep people coming back.

South of the Fern Dell Picnic Area, where Fern Dell Dr meets Red Oak Dr, take the path between the "Trails Cafe" sign and "Griffith Observatory/Fern Dell Picnic Area" sign. Go through the gate, down the steps and turn right at the fork.

#1: Blow by TrailTroll (retired as of 12/5/10) - After you pass under the street bridge, start counting benches. After the sixth bench you'll pass a bridge leading to an exit on the left and a bench uphill on the right, but the box is no longer here, so...

#2: Sweeney Todd by GreenJello (retired as of 8/17/11) - Continue down the path as it splits into three and pass several more benches. Since this box is no longer here, continue all the way to the end.

#3: Sam by GreenJello (alive and well as of 6/8/19) - Continue through the black gate to Black Oak Dr. Cross over Fern Dell Dr and go down the slope to the paved path. From the utility pole just before the bridge, go to the first tree and look in the crevice behind the rock on the left side.

#4: Jack Sparrow by Maude (retired as of 8/17/11) - Cross the bridge and walk up the paved path back toward the Fern Dell Picnic Area. This box, whose stamp got the most compliments, is also missing, so continue uphill past a picnic area up on the right.

#5: Willy Wonka by 55 Steps (alive and well as of 6/8/19) - Continue past the rock walls on the right. When the chain-link fence on the left ends, step up off the path to the right just before the rock wall begins and into the area with large rocks. Look under leaves behind the first tree. When you finish, enter the gate on your left, turn right at the fork and exit the gate where you started.