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Mesa Mi Amigo's Turkey Trot LbNA #51555 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Nov 6, 2009
Found by: PunkSoulBrother
Last found:Nov 29, 2009
Last edited:Nov 6, 2009
****Box has been confimed missing. I don't live in AZ so I can't get back to it to replant anytime soon. If you are going to this park for the other boxes in the area and you feel like looking for this one, please feel free. I'm hoping that maybe someone either 1) took it away from the location to stamp in and put it back in the wrong spot, or 2) someone accidentally found it and tossed it back into the nearby brush. So if you think you found the right location based on the clues, and feel like looking in nearby areas to see if it's still around, that'd be great. If you find it, please put it where you think it should go (based on my clues) and email me to let me know. Thanks!****

My husband is an avid runner and we tend to travel out of town quite often so he can compete in races. Since my daughter and I are usually left to wander around town while the race is going on, I thought this would be a great opportunity to plant some letterboxes. I decided to start a running theme and plant a letterbox in each town we travel to for my husband’s races. While we were visiting family in Arizona, he found a 10k race to run on Thanksgiving Day, so we planted another box in our running theme.

Enter Red Mountain Park from Brown Road. Park in the lot near the Ramadas. From the sign for Falcon Ramada, walk toward a bench at 200°. Beyond the bench, at the Y, take the path at 190°. Continue on this path until you are in the Cotton Willow area. Pay attention to the man-made landmarks. At "51", take the dirt path toward the water. Just before getting wet, duck! This should put you in the correct direction on the trail. After ducking, walk 26 steps to a tree (large-ish compared to the size of other trees along this trail). There is a very small clearing next to this tree. Take 3 steps into the clearing. The box is under the brush that is behind the leaning tree trunk.

This trail can be very busy with people fishing or enjoying the park. If possible, take the box a little ways away from the hiding spot to do your stamping so that if you are seen, you aren't giving the spot away to non-boxers. Be discreet when returning the box to it's hiding spot. When finished, please make sure the box is closed at all 4 corners and concealed well. If you notice the book is close to getting full, PLEASE email me so I can arrange to have it replaced. I don't live in AZ, so if you live nearby and are willing, I will mail you a new logbook. Otherwise, just let me know, and I'll find someone who is able to get back there for me. Thanks and happy boxing!