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Stalking the Wild Asparagus LbNA #52786

Plant date:Apr 1, 2010
Planted by:LadyEilonwy Contact Inactive
Found by: ???
Last found:Dec 8, 2015
Last edited:Dec 9, 2015
Note: 12/8/2015 The box has been cleaned up, re-bagged and replaced. this morning. It is ready for visitors. Please notice how it is hidden and try to get it back the same way so that it does not show. Thanks.

As of today there is wild asparagus coming up in the same vicinity as my American Sycamore box. But wait - before you rush out to pluck some take note of the date.

Well, I didn’t think you would believe me. However, there is asparagus in the box, but it wouldn’t taste very good steamed or in a quiche. To gather a tiny bunch for yourself, follow the clues to the box named above, but when you get to the picnic table and fire pit continue on the path to cross two bridges. You will soon have a rock wall on your right and you will see a rock overhang ahead at the point where the creek curves to the left. Follow the path until you see on your left a monster sycamore three with three large trunks, one of which leans out over the creek. With your back to the tree, look at the rock wall to find a path to the top of the wall. If you find this route a bit daunting, there is a slightly easier alternate path, but I wanted you to see this tree first, simply because I like it. For the alternate way to the top, go back to the end of the rock wall and take the trail on the left that runs along the creek. Follow it up hill. It will switch back to the edge of the wall on top. Follow the path along the edge until you are across from the big sycamore again. Now that you are there, whichever way you came, take the higher, less worn path and step over a fallen log on the path and pass a large hollow stump on your right. Go left and cross over the top of the overhang. You will come to a drainage that has a large fallen tree in it. Climb over (or find your way around) and continue along the trail with the creek on your left for some distance until the creeks turns sharply back to the left. At this point, you should be at a second, smaller drainage, facing a tree with two trunks whose roots are intertwined on the far bank. There is a short section of barbed wire fence on the right of the path. Cross the drainage and look on the low side of the tree for a small hole obscured by roots, twigs and leaves. You should find your tasty morsels inside. Green ink suggested. Please replace all cover when you are finished stamping in. I hope you enjoy this hike. I would really appreciate hearing from you. Please let me know if the box is missing or in need of maintenance. Thanks.