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Pop A Squat at the Shaw Wetlands & Bike Trail LbNA #54167

Plant date:Jun 25, 2010
City:Washington Courthouse
Planted by:Dutch Mastery Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 25, 2010
A Pretty Place to Pop a Squat

Traveling eastbound on US Route 35, take the SR 753 exit towards Washington Courthouse. At the intersection of 753 and Robinson road, turn right traveling approximately 1 mile east. Turn right into the parking lot marked with a sign reading the following; “Shaw Wetland & Trail”. Park as close as you can to the Tri County Triangle Trail entrance, or approximate coordinates 39*31’26.1”N 83*23’6.5’W. Slather on your favorite bug spray and sunscreen, then begin walking down the trail and search for “5.5”. Look out for a bunny or two!

Find the "5.5" and keep walking!

Next you’re looking for a covered bench overlooking the Shaw Wetlands. Found it yet? Read about the wetlands, pop a squat on the bench closest the wetlands, close your eyes and listen to nature. Now open your eyes and turn your head to the left. You should see a partially decayed railroad tie. Gently lift the railroad tie and look for the letterbox inside. On your way out, try to count how many bullfrogs you hear, say a quiet “Thank You” and also, don’t forget to waive goodbye to the bluebird box.
Keep exploring and remember to check out the Tri-County
Triangle Trail website:

Bike On and Keep Exploring! Dutch Mastery