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Manatee Memories LbNA #59031

Plant date:May 3, 2011
Location: Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park
Planted by:Wyandotte Wanderers Contact Inactive
Found by: chaddy233
Last found:Feb 6, 2013
Last edited:May 3, 2011
-Go to the park where the manatee play

-Go to the main entrance(you can drive for free or pay an entrance fee and ride the boat)

-In the parking lot with your back to the manatee mailbox, head to the parking spaces lined in blue.

-Walk toward the lined in blue parking space farthest to the right.

-Following the last 2 lines in blue and white to the right, walk 11 paces forward to two rocks in the dirt. Between these two rocks (slightly under the biggest one) you will find your prize!

PLEASE be very careful not to get caught! this is a very high traffic area.