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Starlite LbNA #59114

Plant date:Aug 10, 2011
Location: Starlite Drive-In Theater
Planted by:Team SpazzleDazzles Contact Inactive
Found by: TwinsPlus1
Last found:Oct 22, 2011
Last edited:Aug 10, 2011
Opening in 1952,the Starlite Drive-In Theater is one of only nine drive-in theaters still in operation in Virginia, now going strong for 59 years. The hot dogs and and hot dog chili sold at its snack bar are a local legend. Enjoy seeing new releases under the stars! Movies are shown Friday - Sunday during the summer.(Note, you do not have to get into the viewiing area to find this box, in fact, it's best to avoid searching at night to avoid muggles, as cars line out to the main road to get into the theater on weekends.)

Directions: From Roanoke Road turn onto Starlight Drive (next to Dude's Drive-in), you will see the sign for the theater. Turn left into the drive for the theater, park in front of the ticket booth. To your left you will see the movie marquie, and some sort of cast iron (farm?!!) equipment. The letterbox is hidden under some pine needles under that iron whatchamajiggie. Please rehode well as this is a high traffic area!!