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Frigid Falls LbNA #59164

Plant date:Aug 13, 2011
Location: Cascades Recreation Area, Jefferson National Forest
Planted by:Team SpazzleDazzles Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 13, 2011
Take exit 118 I-81 north on US-460, making sure to use the bypasses around Christiansburg and Blacksburg. After 26.6 miles turn right on Cascade Dr (SR-T623) in Pembroke. The entrance is in 3.3 miles. Park in the parking lot (THERE IS A $3 PARKING FEE) then head to the trail, which is to the right of the building (restrooms). Start along the trail, going left at the first divide. Continue along the trail until you see the bridge. Cross the bridge. At the bottome of the steps look to your left you will see a fallen log next to a large tree. The letterbox is buried under some leaves at the base of the fallen log next to a cluster of three saplings.

A note about the trails: This letterbox is just a beginning of the "low trail". The Cascades National Scenic Trail follows Big Stoney Creek upstream,eventually forking into an upper and lower trail. If the lower trail is open, take it because it is definitely the more beautiful of the two.
The upper trail ascends the gorge, continuing to follow the stream, albeit at a distance. It eventually descends again to the stream to meet the lower trail. The lower trail follows the stream closely past beautiful cascades and pools. After the trails rejoin, they snake their way through the narrow gorge between high cliff walls. After passing an old stone building, the falls come into view. Total hike is 4.0 miles round trip over sometimes steep terrain on a sometimes rough and often muddy path.

The falls are FANTASTIC, 69 feet tall and the frigid mountain water feels great once you reach the top. Perfect for a good hike, swimming and family picnic!