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Turn Island Letterbox LbNA #59243

Owner:Elwha Contact
Plant date:Aug 12, 2011
Location: San Juan
City:Friday Harbor
County:San Juan
Found by: Elwha
Last found:Aug 18, 2024
Last edited:Aug 12, 2011
This box is located on Turn Island and is accessible by boat only. It is approximately a 1 mile hike.

At the North Cove beach, facing the Turn Island State Park sign, follow the beach right towards the "sister" island. You will pass a harbor speed sign along the way. Proceed around the next cove towards the camper sign. You will see a trail to the left of the camper sign. Go down the trail, through camp #11. Follow the trail along the water. You will step over a Madrona tree, keep right. The trail will stay along the water across the South end of the island. Cross a steep "slide" that goes towards the beach.

As you approach the SE tip of the island, you will encounter two forks in the trail. (These side trails may not be visible throughout the year) If you head toward the water on these forks, you can see Lopez, Mt Baker, and Turn Rock channel marker from the bluff. Going back to the main trail, proceed up the hill and along the East side of the island.

Watch for deer on this part of the island. As you come down the East end you will see a VERY LARGE rock. There are two trees leaning on the rock. The box is under the root ball of the larger tree. Please re-hide well.

The path continues along the water back to the beach where you started.