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Barb wire LbNA #59337 (ARCHIVED)

Plant date:Jun 25, 2011
Location: RIO SALADO SAND DUNES - Historical Marker, NORTH I-25
City:San Acacia
State:New Mexico
Planted by:Aspen
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 25, 2011

RIO SALADO SAND DUNES - Historical Marker in New Mexico Historical Markers. Rest Area NORTH I-25 New Mexico (there is a rest area on both the north and south side of the interstate so make sure you are at the rest area on NORTH I-25)

The Rio Saladio is a typical large desert arroy with intermittent stream flow from west to east in central New Mexico. It empties into the Rio Grande which is the north-south trunk drainage stream in this part of New Mexico. The mouth of the Rio Salado is about15 miles north of Socorro and about2-1/2 miles north of the small farming community of San Acacia.

The marker reads "Sand blown northeastward from normally dry bed of Rio Salado forms dunes along this part of Rio Grande Valley. Rio Grande is in deep down-dropped trench with uplifted Los Pinos Mountains to east and Ladron Mountains to northwest. Rocks on crest of Ladrons are 4 miles deep below sand dunes."

To find the box: go up and over either walk up ramp and go the back side of the rest area. You will see a SPOR along the barb wire fence where you will find my little piece of barb wire, if it hasn't been covered with the drifting sand. OH and expect sand in your shoes ;)