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Girl Scout Troop 7293 LbNA #62525

Plant date:Jul 14, 2012
Location: Prairie Lane Grade School
City:Pleasant Prairie
Planted by:GS Troop 7293 Contact Inactive
Found by: Trail Fairy
Last found:Oct 16, 2014
Last edited:Jul 14, 2012
The Brownie Girl Scout Troop from Prairie Lane Grade School has hidden a letterbox at their school. Please come and visit! Go to Prairie Lane Grade School in Pleasant Prairie, park in the front parking lot. Go to the play ground, climb up onto the play structure and go down the enclosed spiral slide. Do you feel like you are 8 years old again? Once you get down the slide, look up. Do you see the baseball diamond? Take a run around the bases like you just hit a grand slam! After you slide into home plate, look out into outfield. There is a trail leading back to a wooden stage. Take the trail back through the field and locate the wooden stage and benches. Jump up on stage perform a quick skit or sing a song and take a bow. As you exit the stage utilizing the north side of the stairs, look under the last step and you will find the Girl Scout Troop 7293 Letterbox!