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Balu LbNA #62844

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Aug 1, 2012
County:British Columbia, CAN
State:British Columbia, Canada
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 1, 2012
Terrain Difficulty: Moderate (moderate slope, 7.0 km RT)
Status: alive

Baloo is the fictional bear featured in Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book" and the name probably comes from the Hindi word "Bhalu" for several bear species. This letterbox can be found on a trail full of bears but with a different spelling.

Go west on Tran-Canada Hwy 1 to Rogers Pass Discovery Centre and park by the Balu Pass Trail.

Walk up the trail past the 3 km marker to a metal removable bridge with several waterfalls on the right. Continue across and up the slope to a pine tree where the trail bends to the right and levels out. Continue 17 steps to a large boulder on the right with a stump near its left side 5 steps from the trail. Look under rocks just left of the stump for the letterbox. NOTE: I would have hidden the box at the top but was prevented from completing the hike due to a mother Grizzly bear and her cubs on the trail further along from the box. I was with my family when we surprised the bears coming around a bend and the mother charged me since I was in the lead. Luckily she stopped just 5 meters away and we retreated quickly, hearts still pounding. There is a restriction for doing the hike of 4 people and I highly recommend obeying it since it probably saved my life.