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Hither, Thither & Yon LbNA #63560

Owner:ST-Ranger Contact
Plant date:Sep 30, 2012
Location: Co Rd 617, Mentone, AL 35984
City:Fort Payne
Found by: :Vindkald:
Last found:Jan 14, 2024
Last edited:Nov 26, 2017
Near Desoto State Park there is a chapel that is very unique. It is located on county road 165 near the intersection of county road 89. You may have to stop and ask at the state park where Howard's Chapel is. It's also known as Sally Howard Baptist Church. Once there take a look around at the chapel, cemetery and walking paths around the grounds. As you travel you will find a guide post. To find what you seek, go hither 20 steps. A perfect spot will appear on the right at the base of a tree but the letterbox is on the back side below leaves and rock. Tread lightly where you go.

This box is also listed on AQ.

Hike length: 0.1 miles