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70 Mile Roadhouse LbNA #63837

Plant date:Jun 10, 2010
City:70 Mile House
County:British Columbia, CAN
State:British Columbia, Canada
Planted by:Gold Country Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Jun 10, 2010
Private Property
Please respect No Parking signage and remain in public areas. Located at the juntion of Hwy 97 & North Bonaparte Road.

Park between 70 Mile House store and post office. Explore fenced green space next to the store. This cache is not an ammo can and blends in to the landscape.

Follow the link above to read the full history of this site. This is part of the Gold Country GeoTourism Series. Collect a sticker from 24 sites and redeem for a prize! Go to for more information.