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Brownieflies LbNA #64713

Plant date:May 1, 2013
Location: Miwok Park
County:Contra Costa
Planted by:Brownieflies Contact Inactive
Found by: Four Happy Explorers
Last found:Jun 2, 2013
Last edited:May 1, 2013
1. Enter Miwok Park from path on Regal Drive.
2. Head down path all the way to the playground.
3. When you enter playground area, go to the tree on the other side that is surrounded by bushes.
4. Look where it lines up with the 2nd bench on the right and go to the path that lies beside it.
5. Follow the path along to the 6th tree and go between the 2 sets of bushes along fence.
6. Buried behind the first bush on the left, you will find our Browniefly.