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Troop 95 LbNA #64991

Plant date:Jun 25, 2013
Location: Moosehill Audubon
Planted by:sfyler
Found by: burning feet
Last found:May 21, 2021
Last edited:Jun 25, 2013
The Vernal Pool Loop Letterboxes

Please see the Moose Hill Audubon website for directions and rules of their trails.

Start at the “Clean and Green” Sign in front of the Moose Hill Audubon Sanctuary Nature Center. Take the wood chip path that leads to the parking lot and look at the map at the end of the path. Find the start point for the Vernal Pool Trail. Your adventure starts along this trail. Have Fun!.

Follow the Vernal Pool Trial until you reach the Pepperbush trail sign. Continue on the Vernal Pool Trail to the next small mound. From the top of this mound take 21 steps and look on your left. You should see an odd hummock. Did I see a dragon fly? Perhaps you should check out that hummock.

Continue along the Vernal Pool Trail until you get to the Vernal Pool Loop sign. Take a right onto the Vernal Pool Loop. Continue along the Vernal Pool Loop until you take a left on an old forest road. Note this is still part of the Vernal Pool Loop. Ignore the Kettle and Short trials, they will not help you. When you come to the sign that takes you off the old forest road, you went too far. (Note still on Vernal Pool Loop) Go back about 21 paces and look on your left, there should be an unmarked path going up the hill. This seems like it could be a fun trail to follow. It was! You got to the top, and sat down on the large rock to rest. Ah! While sitting and watching the clouds go by you thought “What is under this rock?” You might want to check.

Well enough of that, you go back down the trail and continue along the Vernal Pool Loop. When you get to the Pepperbush Trail sign you notice a split oak on your left. Hmmm, you saw a bird resting between the oaks. You should check it out.

Continue along the Vernal Pool Loop until you take a right onto the Vernal Pool Trail. Continue on the Vernal Pool Tail until you come back to the Nature Center.

Well Done!