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Beautiful Bikes LbNA #65464

Plant date:Aug 8, 2013
Planted by:jmpaskiewicz Contact Inactive
Found by: punxsygal
Last found:Aug 4, 2017
Last edited:Aug 8, 2013
The Kenosha County Bike Trail follows the old North Shore rail bed through Kenosha County. There are two separate segments on either the north or south side of the city of Kenosha. The sections can be bridged with the separate Pike Bike Trail through Kenosha along the lakefront creating a seamless trail through Kenosha County.

This letterbox is located on the south trail. Begin your adventure by parking at the trailhead located at the intersection of 30th Avenue and 89th Street. You will see a green sign that reads, “Kenosha County Bicycle Trail.” As you walk the trail, count only the trees on the right (west) side of the trail, starting with the tree immediately behind the bike trail sign. Only count trees that are level with the trail; do not include any that are in nearby yards or ditches. When you get to the 17th tree, look to your right. You will see tiered flower boxes and a red brick staircase. To the left of the staircase is a multiple trunked tree embedded in a hexagon shaped border. Look near the base of the tree to find the letterbox.

Enjoy the trail that continues to the Illinois state line. Once in IL the trail turns into the Robert McClory bike path and then the Green Bay Trail once you enter Cook County.