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Sweet Fun in the Sun! LbNA #67223

Owner:Sweet as Honey Crew Contact Inactive
Plant date:Apr 23, 2014
City:Vero Beach
County:Indian River
Found by: Sweet as Honey Crew
Last found:Apr 22, 2015
Last edited:Apr 21, 2016
The Sweet as Honey Crew is based out of New England. We plan on making Vero Beach our "home away from home". With that said, we felt it necessary to plant a box there to get our feet wet.

Jaycee Park is the location of this box. Enter the Parking Lot from A1A. Travel up the driveway and pull into the right parking lot. Try to get a spot over by the boardwalk. God Bless America, head towards our nations flag. Step out onto the boardwalk and head towards live oak. Stop and admire the amazing Vero view. Continue down the boardwalk towards the stairwell. When marker 38 stands behind you, head down the stairs to the beach. Curl to the left and walk towards the viewing area with the bench behind you. Down under the left viewing area, if you are facing the beach, you will find your box way up in the frontal corner. It's may have to be limber and reach up and around.

Hike length: 0.1 miles