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Liberty Courthouse Oak LbNA #68229

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Mar 23, 2015
Location: City Cemetery
Found by: Boots Tex
Last found:Apr 8, 2016
Last edited:Mar 23, 2015
*** Part of my Famous Trees Of TX Series ***
Terrain Difficulty: Easy (flat, 50 yards RT)
Recommended Ink: brown, green, red & blue
Status: alive

Texans are fortunate to have such a rich and colorful historic heritage and trees which serve as witnesses to some of these historic events. Texas has also been blessed with trees famous for being the largest of their kind in America. "Famous Trees Of Texas" is a book written in 1970 by the Texas Forest Service that describes these trees, and this series will take you to some of them.

This beautiful oak tree has long graced the plaza of Liberty, one of the state’s oldest towns, standing beside seven courthouses and observing the activities of Mexico and two Presidents of the Republic of Texas. In 1831 it presided over an election that named this area Villa de la Santissima Trinidad de Las Libertad—Town of the Most Holy Trinity of Liberty, and over time came to be known as the Liberty Courthouse Oak. You can find this box in nearby City Cemetery.

From Hwy 90 go north on main street 0.2 mile to Trinity Street and look for the Liberty Courthouse Oak on the northeast corner of courthouse square behind the sesquicentennial cannon. For the letterbox, go left (west) on Trinity St. for 0.4 mile to Bowie St, turn right and go 0.2 mile to Grand Ave. Bear left and pass exit for City Cemetery on the left, then turn left into last entrance and park by Vickers markers.

Walk back down road 40 steps, then go right between graves 27 steps to large bush in front of even larger bush. LB is within trunks three feet high on front side under sticks.