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Triple Trouble LbNA #6981

Owner:Sleepy Whippet Contact Inactive
Plant date:Jan 10, 2004
Found by: beccadaisy (2)
Last found:Sep 3, 2006
Last edited:Jan 10, 2004
This box's status is unknown. This is a box planted by Sleepy Whippet and adopted by Bookworm. The box has not been confirmed missing or active. 4/20/15

Directions: This box is hidden in Eagle Fern Park.
Take I-205 to exit 12 Clackamas/Estacada and turn right onto Hwy 212/224. Proceed 3.2 miles to the 212/224 junction turn right onto Hwy 224 following signs to Estacada. Go 10.4 miles and turn left onto Wildcat Mountain Rd, you will see signs to Eagle Fern Park. Go 2 miles to Eagle Fern Park Rd. turn right. The park is located 2.3 miles on the right side of the road.

There is a $3 charge per vehicle on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Going into the park make an immediate right and find a parking place. The trail head begins on the bridge.


#1: Cross the swinging bridge. Go right onto the trail look for box #1, Three Little Fishes, at the base of a stump next to a triangle tree.

#2: When standing between a dozen and 1 less take 21 steps and look behind the bark door on a slanted stump for Three Little Froggies.

#3: When standing between Old Growth and Western Red take 18 steps look left and low for Three Little Mice.

continue on the trail, retrace your steps over the bridge and back to the parking lot.