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Make the Connection LbNA #69997

Owner:shooting starz Contact
Plant date:May 24, 2016
Found by: The Christmas Elves
Last found:Dec 7, 2024
Last edited:May 24, 2016
To make your connection you need to know where to begin - Find your way to the intersection of dr. itlobe & eva. rdwaho. Just NE of the Y, but before crossing the bridge, is a gravel parking area on the south side of dr. itlobe. After parking your vehicle you will notice you have 3 paths to choose from- your connection will be to the SW at approximately 230 degrees from the gravel lot. Follow the trail making sure to obey the rules at 112. Continue on as you gradually head up and away until you get to another sign you should obey. Forward you go into the woods, this time heading down as the trail curves left. Enjoy the peace of this area where shortly you will be following a stream. A curve to your right reveals a bridge, a nice spot to stop and enjoy the view. Now you COULD continue on to see where this trail will take you, but they do say “X” 's marks the spot! Count the number of “nature made” planks on this bridge ____. Then from the south end of the bridge, stand between the “nature made” fence posts and take the same number of steps as planks back in the direction from which you came. Now looking to your right you will see a V not far from the trail, behind it you will find what you are after- nesting under a bark blanket and a SPOR.

Please seal container & re-hide well.
**Use caution when retrieving and re-hiding this box- this can be a well-traveled trail!

Retrace your steps back to your vehicle. If you want to continue your hike, try one of the other trail options- if you continue the trail on the other side of the street you may still be able to find good bowl of soup!

This box was planted for the 10th annual PAL day, AND to fulfill my “find” objective for the Quest Scouts “Small World” badge, so if you’re looking for a “micro-sized” hide, here is one for you!

Hope you enjoyed the hike- box updates always appreciated!

Hike length: 1-2 miles