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Coal Letterbox LbNA #70220

Owner:CarrieOnThePrairie Contact
Plant date:Jun 27, 2016
Location: Municipal Office, 301 Centre Avenue West
City:Black Diamond
County:Alberta, CAN
State:Alberta, Canada
Found by: AmongThePines
Last found:Jul 15, 2016
Last edited:Jun 29, 2016
Drive-By Letterbox. Very easy to find. Time required: 5 minutes

From the Town of Black Diamond website:

In the late 1800s a government land surveyor by the name of James McMillan discovered abundant local coal deposits in this area. By 1899, A. McPherson and J.J. Cooper opened a coal mine just near the west bank of the Sheep River. 650 tons of high-grade coal were produced here annually and shipped by a wagon track to Okotoks. The mine site and crazily tilted coal seams in rocky outcrops are visible today from the 3 km Friendship Trail that connects to nearby Turner Valley.

The Town's Beginning
A mine of this size required workers, who relocated to the area along with ranchers looking for a place to call home. This population influx necessitated a store and a post office, which were established by Herb Arnold around 1907. These buildings were located at the intersection of Centre Avenue and Government Road (Highway 22), forming the core of what is now Black Diamond's main street.

How We Got Our Name
This growing community had yet to be named at this point and there was some dispute as to whether it should be called Black Diamond after the nearby coal mine that referred to the high grade coal as a "black diamond", or Arnoldville after the local postmaster, Arnold. The dispute was settled when Black Diamond was drawn from a hat in 1907.


Find the BD Municipal Office at 301 Centre Avenue West, and park in its parking lot. Please proceed with stealth - I did NOT receive clearance for this letterbox!

From the coal cart, cross in front of the building (heading east) and follow the asphalt path uphill to the southeast (which is Left as you stand at the street and look at the Municipal Office).

When you get to the end of the asphalt path, you'll arrive at a gravel parking area. Follow along the perimeter of the gravel to your right, along a cable barrier and wooden posts.

Notice a square concrete pad with two large boulders (and a small utility shed to the west). The coal (aka "black diamond") is hiding under the western boulder, on the south side (along the alley).

Hike length: 0.1 miles