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Salem Sundevil LbNA #71609

Owner:The Ziegler Clan Contact
Plant date:Jul 6, 2017
Location: 1993 Sundevil Drive
City:Virginia Beach
County:Virginia Beach city
Found by: Brosie & Novelty
Last found:Mar 11, 2018
Last edited:Jul 7, 2017
Salem High School was founded in 1989. My oldest daughter graduated from here in 1999.

Clue: Find Salem High School and drive down Sundevil Drive towards the back of the school. Find the area with an outdoor classroom and gardens. Look at the larger trees and find the one with a sad face. While looking at it face to face, look to it's right and see a small green and yellow bush. Inside bush is what you seek.

Hike length: 0.1 miles