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First aidThe Stones of Potomac Overlook LbNA #73016

Plant date:Jun 10, 2018
Location: Potomac Overlook
Planted by:Troop 438 Contact Inactive
Found by: Troop 60031
Last found:Apr 28, 2019
Last edited:Jun 11, 2018

  1. Start with the "James I. Mayer Center for Environmental Education" (aka the Potomac Overlook Nature Center") sign on your right.

  2. Walk straight towards the garden.

  3. Pause to look for frogs and turtles in the pond.

  4. Walk up to the abstract art sculpture and learn a little something new.

  5. Take the north-facing wood chipped trail. The sculpture will be on your right.

  6. At the fork in the wood chip path, go right towards the stone path.

  7. Start at the first stone and count 60 stones to the "Native American Home Site" sign.

  8. Turn to face the big tree with stones around it.

  9. Circle the tree counter-clockwise until you find the out of place pile of bricks/rocks.

  10. Carefully shift the bricks to uncover your hidden treasure. Sign the book, stamp in it and then please seal the letterbox and place it back in the bricks hidden from view.

Hike length: 0.5 miles