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Beer Is My Favorite Food Group LbNA #73105

Owner:Martini Man Contact
Plant date:Jul 4, 2018
Found by: Guinea Pigs (2)
Last found:May 1, 2020
Last edited:Jul 5, 2018
Location: kraP ytnuoC regefhcsinraH

Distance: 1 – 1.4 miles, minimal elevation change

Time: 1 hour or so depending on your pace.

Terrain: Very easy walking. Bug spray is strongly recommended. Your choice of walking shoes, but read on. The trails may or may not be mowed so there is a possibility of hiking through tall grasses. Some areas may get flooded at times so be aware of conditions.

These boxes made their initial debut at the 2016 Annual Tucson Letterboxing Event and now have a permanent home in Wisconsin. Please note that the staff here is unaware of the plants and asking for their help in finding them is NOT a good idea.

I think for the most part, everyone has a favorite food group. Some people like big juicy steaks and other red meat. Others like breads. Some people even wig out on vegetables (but probably not many). As for me, it’s beer. And not just any beer. It has to be GOOD beer.
So to celebrate this approach to nutrition, I have created two letterboxes and have planted them in a nice place in southeastern Wisconsin. Even if you don’t share my predilection, I hope you will enjoy the hunt and attendant walk.

Determine your destination and park in its main lot. From here take a northerly route along a gravelly old road bed through an expansive grassy field. After passing through a line of trees you should reach a four way intersection. Continue straight here. Pass by a right turn and enter a patch of woodland.

In the woods you will come upon an Orange 4. Pause here for a bit to collect yourself (by now you might be getting a bit parched. Wouldn’t a cold beer be nice now?). Now take 45 steps more steps along the path and glance to your right into the woods. You should discern a very large tree with an equally large log lying on the ground near it.

Check about a bit for curious eyes and, if no one is about, step off 55 steps in this direction to bring you behind the large tree to a spot with a large limb laying on the ground. Behind the limb should be a triangular shaped hunk of wood. Within is your quarry that addresses the need for a cool one!

Having gotten a cold beer under your belt, return to the trail from whence you came and continue north out of the woods. Pass a “Pond View” on your left and reach a red indicator. At this point take a right turn and proceed back into some more trees. Make a move left to stay red. You may have to walk through some tall grass as you pass by a lonely birdhouse.

The trail curves left to switch west in direction. This brings you to a bench. From this point it’s time to become a discerning consumer of brew. Take 20 steps more to the west and look to your right. Note a large multi – trunked tree with a smaller tree behind it and another tree left of it off trail. Walk in and note a long pipe laying on the ground next to a fallen limb and some old barbed wire (be careful!!). Follow the pipe to the end of the fallen limb to join a select crowd of beer drinkers!

Now that you have had a couple of brewskis, it’s time to take you back to your car, expecting that the walk will help you shake off the effects. Return to the bench and head south through a field. Passing a Red 1 and a Blue 3, head right at the next T intersection. At the next left which should feature a post with blue, orange and yellow indicators, reenter woodlands to follow only orange and yellow. A rather greenish pond will be on your left as you tromp along. Curve to the left eventually and pass a 2 associated with orange and yellow. Passing by “Pond View”, take a right before a bench to get you on orange only. You should be on a boardwalk shortly and that will take you to another bench. Emerging by 4 take a right at the boardwalk end and pass Basket 3. Follow a curve to the left at a four way and stay straight to gravel. Turn right through a tree line and make your way to your vehicle, presumably all good for another round of beer!

We appreciate any feedback on the boxes as we no longer live in Wisconsin and can only address concerns occasionally.