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Avenue of the Columns LbNA #73675

Plant date:Jan 27, 2018
Location: 8th Street
Planted by:SweatyYeti Contact Inactive
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Mar 30, 2019
Ancient Greek architecture was divided into three traditional orders; Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The most recognizable feature of these three orders was the style of column they utilized. These classical orders have influenced architectural design for millennia.

Each one of these classical orders can be seen right here in the heart of Columbia, in fact they are all on display on just one street, 8th Street, commonly known as Avenue of the Columns.

Begin your journey on the North portico of Jesse Hall. Above you will be the first set of columns. There are six in all. Twin columns on either side, and two lone columns in the middle. These are Corinthian columns. Look north and you will see the most obvious clue, the famous Mizzou columns. Walk to them. These evenly spaced matching columns are known as Ionic.

From here, you’ll need to do some walking. Proceed from the columns northward to 8th Street. Your journey will never leave this historic street. Continue north and you’ll cross five streets (four of them named after trees) to reach your next destination. You should see it long before you reach it.

These are the four Doric columns of the old Boone County Courthouse. If you stand between the middle two columns and look south, you should see all of the columns from your journey. Now that you have found all of your columns walk exactly one and a half blocks south. On your left, you’ll see a parking garage. You’ll need to be a rebel here. Enter through the door that says “Exit only.”

Find the beam in the northwest corner of the garage, and BUCKLE UP! You’ve found your letterbox.