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Love Those Movies: Sleepy Hollow LbNA #75720

Owner:Creeping Death Contact
Plant date:Aug 22, 2021
County:Los Angeles
Found by: Kelsung
Last found:Sep 1, 2021
Last edited:Aug 23, 2021
Clue image
Take E Glenoaks Blvd
Park at Sleepy Hollow Dr & Sleepy Hollow Place
Walk up asphalt Sleepy Hollow Dr until you reach the trailhead
Hike up the fire road until you reach the T intersection
At this point the 134 freeway is below
Take in the view of the cities
Head east along the single track instead of the fire road
You can see downtown LA and Eagle Rock's natural monument
Half a mile you'll reach the end
Rail road ties steps head down
At the top of the rail steps - compass 318 NW
Take twenty steps to the tree bush
You seek what's in the center under rock
Add more rocks to keep it secure
Continue down the steps and walk along the houses
At the T intersection turn left on Sleepy Hollow Place to return to your vehicle

Hike length: 1-2 miles