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Zentangle Tulips LbNA #76059

Owner:DS Contact Inactive
Plant date:Sep 27, 2021
Location: 8911 Turkey Creek Rd
City:Plant City
Found by: Thecitrineghost
Last found:Jan 6, 2024
Last edited:May 3, 2022
This box was originally located in Orlando, but it got evicted from that spot (twice) by some territorial squirrels, so I moved it to this location.

This is a free park. Park your car, walk through the gate and take the trail to the left, past the kiosk and down the trail that runs parallel to Turkey Creek Rd. Turn right at the first trail intersection (red trail) and walk about a mile until you enter your first wooded area of the red trail. Continue to walk down this shady trail through this short wooded area. About the middle of the trail you pass a spot where the trail dips down and water runs over the trail. Continue over this wet area, you might get your shoes a little wet. Walk 15 more steps and see a granddaddy oak on the right about 30 steps off trail. Box is in the middle of the trunk of this granddaddy oak. About 4 feet above the ground. Covered with twigs.

To return to your car, continue down the trail. At the 1.5 mile mark, you will come to a T. Turn right and continue up the trail following along the fence line and strawberry fields on your left. Continue going straight until you get to a Y in the trail, where you can go straight or veer right at an angle. Either way takes you back to your car. Veering to the right is shorter.

Hike length: 1-2 miles