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Osprey Nest LbNA #76472

Owner:faerie princess Contact
Plant date:Apr 2, 2023
Location: 605 Post Road East
Found by: Ktorr327
Last found:Mar 5, 2025
Last edited:Apr 4, 2023
Ospreys build large stick nests located in the tops of large living or dead trees and on manmade structures such as utility poles, channel markers, and nest platforms. Ospreys have adapted so well to artificial nest sites that the species now nests in areas once considered unsuitable. One of these neat platforms is located in a parking lot here in Westport.

The fun part is watching the Osprey return each year, have babies, migrate and do it again. Watching the babies grown and return has become a hobby of many in the area. To celebrate their return this year I planted a quickie.

To find this quickie go to 605 Post Road East, Westport. Pull in the last entrance, the one with the light. Drive towards the back, the building will be on your right (careful people like to ignore the stop sign on the right at the entrance) and park towards the back of the very large island on your left. At the back of the island look for a lamp post. You will be past the end of the building and counting from the entrance/beginning of island this is the third lamp post. Here in a planters bag, that is a tidge big for the space, find your Osprey.

If you walk to the front corner of the building, and look towards the first lamp post, past it above the fence line you can see the Osprey nest and if it is a sunny day you will likely hear them. If you are lucky you will see one of them returning from hunting and get a glimpse of the babies. Sadly this view is only available end of March to roughly beginning September, but the stamp will be here year round. Maybe you will do a little hunting yourself...

Hike length: 0.1 miles