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The Lost Pirate Treasure Box LbNA #77017

Owner:Bookworm6 Contact
Plant date:Jul 25, 2024
Location: Voorhees State Park
City:Glen Gardner
State:New Jersey
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 27, 2024
The Lost Pirate Treasure Box

Ahoy Mateys! Hundreds of years ago, a pirates’ ship was raided and their treasure was stolen. The thieves hid the treasure far from the sea, deep in the woods where the pirates would never find it. Legend says that if you follow these clues, the loot can be found to this day. Best of luck, Treasure Hunters!

Enter through the main gates of Voorhees State Park and park in the first parking area by the entrance.

Follow the paved road on foot past the baseball diamond and picnic area, toward the playground.

Turn left over the small wooden bridge onto the Highlands Trail (teal blue markers).

When the trail divides, turn right onto the Hill Acres Trail (royal blue markers).

When you reach the paved road, cross and continue following the royal blue markers to join the Brookside Trail.

Cross the paved road again to continue on Brookside Trail.

When you reach the fork, turn right to join the orange marked trail.

Continue walking. You will cross several small bridges over the creek. Keep going up and up, over the gorge below.

You will reach a section of the path made up of tree stump steps. Walk across these steps and cross a wooden bridge.

Stop! Walk 80 paces further down the path. Turn 185 degrees south and you will see a large tree with a wide trunk and mossy exposed roots. At its base is your treasure!

Continue following the path until you hit the paved road. Turn left and walk until you see the Company Road path on your right. This will take you back to your car.