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Spanish Peaks LbNA #77048

Owner:Silver Eagle Contact Platinum
Plant date:Aug 8, 2024
Location: Cordova Pass
Found by: Not yet found!
Last found:N/A
Last edited:Aug 25, 2024
Terrain Difficulty: Easy (slight slope, 1.5 mi RT)

The Spanish Peaks are a pair of prominent mountains in southwestern Huerfano County that were an important landmark on the Santa Fe Trail. They were designated a National Landmark in 1976 as two of the best known examples of igneous dikes. You can get a good view of them while getting this box on the Salazar to Vista Pt Trail.

From Hwy 12, go east on FR 46 for 6 miles to Cordova Summit Trailhead and park.

Walk on the West Peak/Salazar Trail to jct with sign pointing left for Salazar Trail & Vista Point and straight for West Peak. Go left to end of trail at top of ridge with view of the Spanish Peaks. Continue downhill short way off trail to dead tree on ground and continue past it 50 steps to another dead tree laying in front of a lone pine tree. LB is at base of tree under rocks.

Silver Eagle's Aerie