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Kernville Retriever LbNA #7998

Owner:Cosmic Holly Contact
Plant date:Apr 24, 2004
Planted by:PenGwen Contact Inactive
Found by: Sexyrats
Last found:Nov 9, 2024
Last edited:Apr 24, 2004
Wheelchair, stroller accessable

Walk: easy, mostly level surfaces, stroller friendly. Bring water for you and your dog.
Length: About a mile total if you park at Circle Park or Riverside Park.
Restrooms: at the far end of Riverside Park near the play equipment.

The Clues:

Sure, folks come to Kernville to raft, fish, ride bikes, climb and letterbox but those of us who share our lives with dogs know that dogs need, no, not need but demand their walks. So here is stamp hunt for you and your furry friend.

Starting at the Fire Station, stand at the sign on the lawn in front. We don’t know if there is a Dalmatian in residence but the grass is soft to doggie feet. Find the closest “Begin No Parking Anytime “ sign and align yourself northward with the yellow and green fire hydrant in the distance and walk your dog there.

Let your dog smell the hydrant. Did you know that scent is our strongest memory marker; remember those memories of bubble gum and crayons? Can you just imagine what our dogs smell when they check out a hydrant?

Look to your right for a place to buy your dog a treat or toy(this establishment may become a donut shop?3/3/2008). Now, walk 320 degrees to a huge (a most difficult retrieve) round stick. Standing at the W corner of the big round stick walk 70 paces at 225 degrees to a low yellow and green hydrant. Across the street is a location where a huntin’ dawg has to wait outside while his master gets refreshed.

Look NW for a light yellow sign with fingers on it and walk about 170 paces there passing a big BBQ that should get you and your dog’s mouths watering ifin the BBQ is fired up.

Then walk 240 degrees to the corner across the street and find a hydrant with mostly yellow and green paint but with several blue stripes too. Let your dog smell here and head 310 degrees following a curve in the road for about 212 paces to the red and yellow hydrant behind 3 big rocks. Let your dog jump up on the rocks and look around.

There is a stop sign due north at 145 paces. Go there and you will be near a place that spells dog backwards.

From the stop sign walk 75 degrees for 100 paces to a green and yellow hydrant. Let your dog play in the water. Continue walking at 80 degrees for 170 paces to a red and yellow hydrant. Then continue at 80 degrees going around a curve until you come to a busy street. Turn, and holding tightly to your dog’s leash, cross the span and head to the red, yellow and blue hydrant.

Now, walk at 45 degrees passing a gray mailbox (doggies, sniff here) for about 465 paces to a red and yellow hydrant partially obscured among juniper bushes. Turn to 325 degrees, spot an old conveyance and walk your dog over to the very long tongue. Look at the top of the tongue for a tiny leash. Be discrete when in the area and when stamping in.

When researching our clues please be aware that when previous searchers list “ATTEMPTED” on the clue sheets it may reflect more on their abilities as finders than indicate whether the box is viable or not. We do monitor our clues and boxes pretty well and appreciate the notes written to us by those that find or attempt our letterboxes.

Please contact placer directly or through the LBNA chat list regarding status rather than unofficial databases. Up to date status can only be ascertained from placer as other information services will not have current data. The placer does not appreciate listing information about this letterbox on unauthorized information services.